Hello everyone, Jackie here! I know it's been quite a while since I last updated Maledictus, college is insane. However, I haven't given up. In fact, I'm doing an experiment and I could really use as much feedback as possible but I'm am going to write an alternative version of Maledictus. The plot will be the same but the intros are going to be completely different. My goal is to shake things up and provide a better backstory for Azrael and Luciel. With some luck, I will have the first fifteen chapters of my novel ready and posted asap.This project will go on until New Year's and I will update both versions at regular intervals each week, this is where you come in! Vote on your favorite version and feel free to voice your opinions, I'd love to hear the feedback! Thanks for reading and I can't wait to see how this will turn out!
Until next time!
•~• Jackie•~•