Hello , hope all is well with you. Was wondering if you are planning on updating your stories on SOA Jax Teller . Really enjoy your stories ♥️☺️!! Please update . Exiting stories
I hope you are doing well. Haven't heard from you for awhile. Wondering if you are still writing. Love your stories on SOA Jax Teller. Hoping you will update them. Thank you for your stories ☺️..
Hello . I was wondering if you are going to update your stories on SOA. Love them . You are an excellent writer and I would love to read more . Thank you .
Please, please update your stories on SOA Jax Teller . I keep reading them over and over and I want to know what happens next in your stories. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am so loving your new story - behind the lies remains peace. I wished that Donna didn't die but I know every story needs a twist. I cry every time she dies, even watching the show. I really want Jax to get together with Abby. Please continue to update. Thank you ☺