Hey, I basically just write a lot of basically anything I want so enjoy
  • ПриєднавсяSeptember 4, 2011


Останнє повідомлення
JadeStockton JadeStockton Oct 28, 2014 12:46AM
Just posted a short chapter of The Laugh. A new story I wrote. I'll try to post more tomorrow. I'm trying to get it done by Halloween but no promises. 
Переглянути всі бесіди

Історій від Lady Jade
The Laugh від JadeStockton
The Laugh
Just some horrible horror story I wrote a few years ago. Involves murder.
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Nox від JadeStockton
Nox shows up at the X-mansion and there is no telling what will happen.
And who are you? від JadeStockton
And who are you?
Who knew going to a concert could lead to meeting someone I admire greatly? <Or a writing assignment that...
1 Список для читання