Welcome! Welcome!
We are Jadelyn Aurora and Kaya Hetalia.
Our mother language is German. We would be happy if someone wants to help us translate.

The magic of stones - earth
Freya has been the first magically gifted child in her village for many generations and is allowed to go to Kohatu, the academy for magic and magic stones.
There she meets the charming Elias and the rather nasty Damian. Together with them, she has to pass the first test to be allowed to go to school. But she doesn't want to do that.


The world as we know it is changing.

Dark clouds are gathering and unbridled magic is wreaking havoc on the land.

Scholars disagree on whether there will be a savior or a destroyer. Will we be redeemed by being rescued from danger or by being wiped out? Is the time of the magicians coming to an end?

Even the king and his advisors disagree. Some seek the child of prophecy to support it, to help it save us. The others want to destroy it so that it can never become an enemy. But who is the enemy? Who wants to extinguish our beautiful world?

Until they know what to do, the mages on the Kohatu are our only hope. Our new generation, who may be able to make up for the mistakes of the past.

Tir Na Magica is on the brink of destruction, and we can do nothing but hope.

Chapter 1

A gust of wind blew up the sand of the streets as the magicians walked through the archway of Narune. Due to the long period of drought in the summer, the fields around the village had dried up and the people had great difficulties to feed their families.
Animals were emergency slaughtered because they could no longer be fed, and those that remained had to be brought through the winter somehow. Therefore, the appearance of the magicians did not come at a good time. Fortunately, they did not have to be fed.
  • EntrouMarch 7, 2020

Histórias de Jadelyn Kaya EN
Dragonblood - The Arrival, de Jadelyn_Kaya_EN
Dragonblood - The Arrival
Quinn was sacrificed by her village to the dragons and now lives with them. Instead of submitting to her 'god...
The Magic Of Stones - EARTH, de Jadelyn_Kaya_EN
The Magic Of Stones - EARTH
Freya has been the first magically gifted child in her village for many generations and is allowed to go to K...
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