
Sorry for the huge absence on my part, I'm surprised I'm still gaining fans and keeping patient followers even though I have posted no content for months. The next chapter of Bioworld will be out soon and perhaps another fan-fic will start.


Sorry for the huge absence on my part, I'm surprised I'm still gaining fans and keeping patient followers even though I have posted no content for months. The next chapter of Bioworld will be out soon and perhaps another fan-fic will start.


Hey guys, Chapter IV for Dovahkiin is up, which makes this the quickest update yet and hope to get a few more in before Christmas. I was hoping to make this a lot longer, making the journey to Riverwood consist of The Guardian Stones and of the beginning of Gavan's backstory. Time went quick though and it soon became past 4am. I wanted to upload a chapter tonight but didn't want to try and fit it all in to one chapter and have it more crappy than it should have been so I decided to split it into two chapters. I'm sorry, yes, this chapter will be shorter than the last but I plan to make Chapter V even longer. My friend told me I need to work on my description so I have being trying to improve and think I did better in this chapter, especially describing the scenery at the start. Tell me what you think. Hopefully I will have Chapter V up tomorrow, I'm sure you will all appreciate a very fast update like that. Take care!


I remade the cover for Dovahkiin, good or bad? The top image is of Gavan in the blue robes he found in the keep and the bottom image is of an important character that will be introduced to the story further on.


The third chapter for Dovahkiin is up. For those who felt the last few chapters were a bit rushed I am finally starting to feel fluent freedom as I write. I think this chapter should be my best yet since I felt some freedom from the original dialogue for once with the first cut-scene now over, it should just get better from here and ever quicker entries being the Summer Holidays, I have 6 or so solid weeks to work on this during the late nights I stay up.
          I also now have Skyrim on PC as well so not only will I get a clear, new, better cover for Dovahkiin up I'll also get some screenshots of the characters as well as maybe uploading some gameplay. I will also be starting on a machinima series for another game after I get my new HD PVR for Christmas, which reminds me, Merry Christmas everyone!
          If you'd like to subscribe to my Youtube channel the link will be below, just a warning though, I currently have no videos up as yet, that will change though:


Just read through my comments now and I'm really happy that I'm starting to get a few fans! Be sure to add Dovahkiin to your Reading List so you can keep a good eye on it and vote it up to get it a bit more attention! Thank you everyone, I have a lot more motivation to write this fan-fic knowing people are waiting to see more! Chapter II is on it's way!


Finally finished the first chapter for Dovahkiin but I feel I rushed it a bit, even though it took me much longer than intended. Anyone who has played Skyrim at least once can tell this is apart of the opening cinematic. I tried to stick to the original dialogue with only altering it slightly and I found it a bit boring and it felt like I was writing somebody else's story rather than mine. When I get to more unique parts of my character I feel I'll do much better.