
If you haven't, you should totally watch Amphibia! And should I take down the story Counting Stars? I lost interest in it and I'm lazy as hell now. #SofiaCarsonIsHot


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My school went into stay in place shelter because the High School was under shooting threats. Why the hell would ppl joke about that shit, this stuff is serious. How many people are dead right now because of these damned shootings? And you are just sitting here mocking them? Rape is important too, how would you feel if you were molested by some pervert? People have died from rape and my sister is in therapy because of it! Kids need to learn this shit isn't funny and these are serious topics!


@Jamesloveslesbians I'm rly sry to hear about ur sister and yeah these fuckers need to be in therapy too and understand that this is not okay!


@Jamesloveslesbians agreed these shitty ppl need a life and sorry about ur sis


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Bro, I fucking hate when people will shame your body, personality, interests or like anything and then say "If you do this, I'll take it back!" Like wtf? No. You made me insecure about it and tried to bribe me into you taking it back, you literal fake ass bitch.


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@c-arpenter3 OH MY FUCKING GOD!! I hate when people do that shit! I have to ask my sister to use her tablet to check my snap and she's always being fucking bitchy about it. She is so fucking annoying i swear to god!!!


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@Jamesloveslesbians fucking people thank god ur an actually nice and sensible person. Also, when I was younger I went through a lot of shit figuring out my sexuality and this one friend who doesnt know always teasing me about not ever having a crush on a boy. I'm like bitch shut the actual fuck up, you don't know the pain of being in the closet!


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@c-arpenter3 Fr though, like girl ho the fuck you think is laughing? "Be nicer to people or they just gonna be an asshole back!!!!"  I don't give a fuck, Bitch I got my mind made up!!!!


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AAAGH! I have to get ready for school and I don't wanna!!!! It's so boring because yesterday I actually paid attention and I realized how easy this shit is! I hate it, but if I don't pay attention I don't understand it like tf?! I'm also dealing ith ppl tryna be my friend but I don'y give a fuck. I'm going to finish my update on Glassheart story soon and I have 5-6 episodes left of The Owl House and I'm just fucking tired rn omfg.


@Jamesloveslesbians oh naur! I hope u had a good day but literally I hate when people who I don't even know are trying to be my friend. Like get away from me Joe, that's harassment 


I think it was u who asked 4 it but in case it wasn't I'm sry! The "New perfume" Part two is out and its rly long and its smut... if it wasn't u my b sry man


omfg thats funny af lmfao rn


@c-arpenter3 Oop. I get onto other kids when they have a dark purple under their eyes. I tell them "You need to sleep more." And I like, stay up all night.


thank you!! Literally kids in my class tease me for not sleeping and its annoying


my friends and I were texting about this one girl who had a shrine to a 50 yr old man in her locker and my other friend texts back with "Nah cus I better not find a Sabrina shrine in ur closet" lmfao Im dyin


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oh shit u caught me lmao nah but like people who do that are low-key psychos


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@c-arpenter3 OMFG I bet you have a shrine in your closet. You summon her at 3 AM through a ritual and shit Lmao


what's up bestie. I'm bored do you have an idea for a Oneshot?


thx, sry I need literal help


@c-arpenter3 Maybe, Some random ship going through an argument, so they ignore eachother for a while until they both apologize after getting lonely?


who's ur Wattpad idol? Cus like mine just followed me and imma die right here right now rip me


@c-arpenter3 Uhmmm..... I don't know. I don't think I have one!


On my only Glassheart story I'm just gonna take oneshot requests. Check out the update if you're interested about it. School is draining me :D


@Jamesloveslesbians real tho. Nah and when my mom makes something that's absolutely disgusting but I eat it because I don't want her to be sad?  food sucks


@c-arpenter3 OMG eww. Why is food so violent when we r just hungry??


@Jamesloveslesbians oh ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww no offense, I've thrown up from eating an orange lollipop, so I cant talk...