I've been thinking about this and I'm going to do a revamp of AGENT CALIFORNIA, with my writing skills being much better then before. I feel I can bring more life into this dead story, what do you all think?

@HarrisonNightingale well I don't like how jumbled I made it and where it started. I feel I could probably make it make more sense and that I can make it go further

@HarrisonNightingale sorry( if you think you can do better with this story, go for it) I really think wattpad should add an edit function to the comments section because I don't want to have to delete the whole comments if I have only missed a word or too. Because I don't have the patience to write the whole thing again.

@JamieMeece hay if you think you can do with this story, I say go for it,nothing can stop you not even writers block will stop you from doing what you think is best.