DIRTY SEXY KINKY BOOK has reached 30 thousand reads! I'd like to thank all you degenerates and perverts out there for supporting my great work of literature!!
I promise to add another chapter in the near future, but in the meantime why don't you check out some of my other writing? If comedy is your bag, then MAD DOG SND THR ENGLISHMAN may not be as smut filled as DSKB but if you're a zoned out stoner looking to laugh hysterically AND feel a little clever about your appreciation of clever social commentary and subtext wrapped up in a crude over the top package, then this is the book for you!
Or perhaps you're into political satire, are not a stoner but still want to feel clever and intellectually mock others who don't get it. Then try Bizarre TRiUMPhant Tales!
Too serious? You just want good fantasy, sci-fi, sword and sorcery even? Mythlands, Swanhilde, The Unseen Man. I have SOMETHING for EVERYONE!
Step right up, STEP RIGHT UP ... All the fun of the fair. Laughs, chills, thrills and getaways from grim reality await you!
Be sure to vote and comment. You'll feel good about yourself for doing so!
And may I suggest for entry level Jason Greenfield, you try BITE SIZE STORIES. Self contained flash fits, one offs and the occasional continuing characters in small bursts that you can read at a bus stop or during a five minute break!
Thank you all for having such great taste. I live to write for you!!!