
A Virgin Like Him | Chapter 23 - Anti-Date has been uploaded! Enjoy, let me know what you think <3
          	It would have come a lot sooner but I was out of town for a mini holiday seeing Chris Stapleton live. Incredible musician! 


A Virgin Like Him | Chapter 23 - Anti-Date has been uploaded! Enjoy, let me know what you think <3
          It would have come a lot sooner but I was out of town for a mini holiday seeing Chris Stapleton live. Incredible musician! 


Chapter 19 - A School Night - published. It’s a spicy ️  chapter (which I think is impressive that it took Kathy this long to get there - she’s not usually that patient) so if that’s not your thing, feel free to skip or just skim. 


After devouring Onyx Storm which naturally fell into an ACOTAR reread (I’m a Cassian girlie)… next chapter of AVLH is up!
          I’m at the part of a novel where I always wonder if any of it makes sense. So feel free to comment feedback. <3


Anyone else losing followers at an insane rate? 8.2k down to 5.8k. so shocking!
          New chapter of A Virgin Like Him up for anyone left lol.


Probably bots as well. It’s just very confronting. When it started after a posted a chapter of AVLH, I thought it was a mass unfollowing just to spite me for disappearing lol


Thankyou! Still here!
            Wattpad is deleting inactive accounts apparently though 