Ladies, men, nonbinary friends and just you beautiful creatures in general (why am I so greasy), HELLO!
I just wanted to say hey during these frick'n weird times! I was watching tv and all these commercials talking about how "we're going to get through this together" but if you're anything like me, that shiz does nothing for your stress and anxiety during uncertainty. I'm here to say this! It's okay to not be okay during these times! I've seen so many people who are thriving and getting their lives together and starting all these new hobbies or habits and I compare to how I'm struggling at times and question why can't I do that. But listen! Don't do that to yourself! No one ever plans on being a part of a historical event, let alone a damn pandemic! Go at your own pace and do your own thing. Cry if you must! But don't beat yourself up for struggling. Again, it's weird times, no one was prepared for this. And I'm now here if anyone wants to chat. I'm no therapist, but I can be a friend