Hey guys :). So, about my resident silence. I'm in my final year of school now, which means I have to take my WACE (Western Australian Certificate of Education, basically the form of ordering who is the best in the state) exams to determine my ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank, basically the form of ordering who is the best in Australia) score. Study for these, even though they're at the end of the year, takes up a hell of a lot of my time. Also, there's so much homework and study to do for the various tests throughout the year. As a result, I've been left with hardly any time to go on Wattpad. And the crippling writer's block I'm suffering from is just ridiculous. I am NOT, by any means, putting my stories on hold - I just thought you all ought to know the reason I'm not updating. I will try to update, mark my words I will definitely try, but they will be slow. Thank you all for your patience and understanding.