I am Jenni...a storyteller ever since I can remember, a writer ever since I could...well, write. Writing for me is not work...it is one of the most enjoyable things I know. I cannot write what I am told....or not well, at any rate...I can only write well what I love and am passionate about. I can write entire stories that were, at the beginning, inspired by the smallest things. I have characters walking around in my head, begging to come out. Too many to bring out at once.
Inspiration for me comes from everywhere. People, nature, music, history, books, movies...anything. I'm inspired when I play my violin. I'm inspired when I people watch. I'm inspired when I watch old movies. I'm inspired when I listen to old music.
I hope you enjoy what I share. I am in no hurry to get published. I find that when I write in a hurry, I don't have the same quality of writing, unless it is something I enjoy writing fast. (Nanowrimo, for instance) However, if there are any publishers out there seeking a girl who writes what she wants, and writes with a fiery passion, I'm here!
I hope you all enjoy my writing. I know I will enjoy yours.
Happy writing, all.
~Jen Mcfly
  • Cutest lil town in Wyoming
  • JoinedJune 22, 2019
