I am 32, and lives In Sweden. Dreams alot of coming to US and chase some tornadoes with a group there... I Know crazy, but it has been a dream since I was 13, so 11 soon 12 years of dreaming this coming true soon...
Soon moving out to my own place aswell.

I love Harry Potter, Twilight, Percy Jackson, Teen Wolf, to mention some fandom I enjoy to read and write about..
  • DołączyłJanuary 1, 2012

Ostatnia Wiadomość
JennaHarmony90 JennaHarmony90 Sep 04, 2022 05:38PM
Today I am grieving for my beloved "daugther" to cat, Luna, had to be put down yesterday at 3 PM. So I wont be able to answer any of your messages, but I do thank you all for your support and love.  
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