Before anyone or Wattpad say anything about the Content Guidelines please hear me out. For it I’m not saying that Mature it’s for everyone I’m going to say that instead of the “Mature stories are intended for an audience that is 17 and up. There are restrictions on discovering Mature stories on Wattpad that help ensure they reach the correct audience. A story may be rated Mature if it contains any of the following.” -Content Guidelines they should tell us to put warnings and that it’s not suited for everyone. I am 21 years old in about to turn 22 and for most of my time on this platform I have seen people putting warnings so at least people who are 17+ could at least understand of what their In for. I started writing on this platform help me let go of the past and hatred for the people that put me in a trauma that lasted from my childhood longer to even my adult years. If anything I wish to make stories not to shut peoples eyes but to let them understand that this is what the real world is like even in fantasies there are still real life problems outside of their homes and I wish to address it. I do not do sex but I do graphic depictions of violence and trauma I just wanted everyone to know that my platform is not meant for everyone and if you do not like it you can simply not read it I will be putting warnings by the following when I get there. Thank you for reading and I hope you stay safe. -JessicaTheInkChild