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・❥・Good morning, afternoon, and evening to all of you wonderful people. I know that I haven't fully made a note this important in a while, even when it was very needed. Despite the small little messages on my board, but to me those were just like little comments on certain things. Anyway, the first thing I want to talk about is about updating INFINITE LOVE my Barry Allen series ― I do want to apologize for not being constant as I was before, so many things have happened. Dealing with a very heavy depression that almost made me shut off completely, I don't normally talk about these things because to me there aren't enough words to describe what I'm truly feeling. Most of you that I have interacted with through messages or media are really sweet ― and have no idea how much I truly appreciate all of you amazing souls. Currently, I have been coming back up from that place, which I'm really glad about. Along with that, I was facing some very messy and scary ex-friend situation that I won't be getting into so much because I'd rather not talk about that problem that has messed me up from actually making friends (as dramatic as that sounds). There also have been some college problems that I'm still dealing with like rushing payments, even when they took my aid from me for a reason I still have no idea about ― so job hunting has really been beating me down because I can't seem to find anything, and I'd rather not have my parents as another problem, knowing them well of what they're going to say if I were to explain my situation. So I've been very solo on this.
This one isn't very important, but crazy ex-girlfriends had mixed themselves in my life again while recently taking a break from my boyfriend, so yeah...LMAOO. There's really not much I can do but laugh about that. However, I have gotten back to writing, so INFINITE LOVE would have an update very soon! And crossing my fingers, I would be able to get more of my stories out!