
So, I've been putting Vampire Assassin back up, if y'all haven't noticed. If so, and you've read the first 9 chapters that are up, I suggest you go back and re-read. I've had to make some adjustments for it to make more sense. 
          	Thanks guys! <3


So, I've been putting Vampire Assassin back up, if y'all haven't noticed. If so, and you've read the first 9 chapters that are up, I suggest you go back and re-read. I've had to make some adjustments for it to make more sense. 
          Thanks guys! <3


If anyone actually noticed, I took down my two published stories. They'll probably be back up later, at least Vampire Assassin. I need to do some major editing and it's easier if I just take them down. I promise they won't be gone forever.


I HAVE STORIES UP FINALLY?! WHAAAAAAAT? What is this sorcery? Both are awful tho. But give them a try anyways? Pretty please with a cherry on top? 
          <3 Jai. 
          P.S. I actually think they're okay and my friends seem to like them alright...


          I noticed that you are into Mafia Stories, and since I've just posted the first chapters on mine, I was wondering if you'd like to check it out. It would mean a lot! 
          Also, your story, Vampire Assasin looks awesome! <3
          Anyway, hope you have a lovely day and that this didn't bother you. xx


@Ana16x I love mafia stories! I'll definitely check yours out tonight :) thank you so much that means more than you know :) <3 