Wow y’all. I just wanted to take a moment and reflect how far my “Paint Me Mad” series has come.
So I actually write outside of Wattpad for a living. Wattpad has always been a fun outlet for me to indulge in my favorite fandoms, and really not worry to much about the hassle of writing, but re teach myself why I love to do so on here.
I never expected that a book I published on here to just be a fanboy and express my love for Alice and Wonderland, would get so popular.
My first book has reached over 2k votes, with over 85.5k reads.
I’m so flattered for all the comments and input on my books. It really means a lot when you vote or comment on one of my stories.
So just once again a big big big THANK YOU!
However all good things must come to an end eventually. I took a very long extended break on the last book for this series to focus on my career, and also really think about the fine details for this story.
Paint Me Eclipse will continue very soon just please be patient.
With Love