i maybeeee went away for a couple months
but i came back and that’s what matters.
i’m sorry i’ve been inactive for so long but if i’m being quite honest with myself here i don’t think people too much care for the content put out. long story short, i took a much needed break to focus on myself and my friends, and in the end i don’t regret that decision.
you may notice that i’m updating Beyond Reach, and it’s actually because i caught myself reading it the other day and noticed a lot that i wanted- scratch that, NEEDED to change in order for me to be truly happy with my work. i just got done editing chapter four and hopefully will be moving onto other chapters soon. i’m gradually trying to reword things better and fix some minor plot holes, so if you catch something i don’t please please please let me know.
i hope you are all doing well and i wish you all the best, thank you all for being so patient with me.