
Hi Guys, I am going on a short hiatus for my "Dealing with Solevan" and will come back soon again with the new chapter soon. Sorry about that and thank you so much for all of your support. 
          	In the meantime, you can check out my other completed novels. Cheers and see ya! :)
          	Love, Joesline.


          	  I enjoyed reading your story finding it very interesting all the twist & turned. Please continue to update & finish the story (Dealing with Solevan) this one is really great. Not all have the talent like you have in writing stories.
          	  Hope you continue ☺️ keep it up 


Hi Guys, I am going on a short hiatus for my "Dealing with Solevan" and will come back soon again with the new chapter soon. Sorry about that and thank you so much for all of your support. 
          In the meantime, you can check out my other completed novels. Cheers and see ya! :)
          Love, Joesline.


            I enjoyed reading your story finding it very interesting all the twist & turned. Please continue to update & finish the story (Dealing with Solevan) this one is really great. Not all have the talent like you have in writing stories.
            Hope you continue ☺️ keep it up 


I can't believe I had wrote so much for Dealing with Solevan. It had been a very fulfilling journey, writing and chatting with my readers off the chapters. I am glad you all had liked it. And I hope to continue having such wonderful relationship with you guys. 
          So, cheers to all of your support and see ya! :) 
          Love, Joesline.


Hi Guys, 
          It's been a while I have drop by here due to my overwhelming schedules going on in my life. But I'm here to inform you that I will uploading Dealing with Solevan Chapter 4 tomorrow! 
          See you guys soon! Thank you for your constant support. I have read the comments and I cant find any words to describe how happy it was for me to see you loving my stories. 
          With Love, 


Wattys Award 2017 is round the corner! 
          Are you excited as I am right now? I hoped you are. I'm definitely going to check out what awesome works that will enrolled for this year. 
          As for me, I will be enrolling my 'Dealing With Solevan'. So that means I've got 2 more chapters to be ready for uploading by 15th June 2017.
          I'll let you guys know again on the schedule for Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. In the meantime, have a great start of the week and I'll see you soon! 


It has been a long wait. There had been many things going on in my life and I'm truly sorry about the lack of updates here. 
          And I'm glad to inform that the next chapter for Dealing With Solevan will be uploading in 8 hours time! 
          Thank you so much for your support and see you soon! 
          With Love, 