I'm Scared! Stop Stalking Me
My Naame-.- Hmmm, Well Here's My Answer, Look At My Username!
I Am 14;3 And Ma Birthday Is 8th March!
I Am, Sadly, Still Single, But I Am So Sexy That Even Gravity Can't Let Me Go;3
@iamsherlocked23 My Blonde Sister From Another Mister, I Frickin' Love This Gal, So Rape Her, Yes Rape Her, Rape Her Now!
@hungergamesg33k My Hunger Games Freak, I Love Her, But She'd Choose Josh Hutcherson Over Me, I Think..
I Looove Donuts And Anything Food Related And Don't Get Fat! Booya!
I Love Milkshakes Too, Cuz Ya Know, *My Milkshakes Bring All The Boys To Ma Yard;3
I'm sooo normal!!
Ask Me ANY Question Through My Sexy Inbox, (You May Think Yours Looks The Same, But It's Not, Look At That Dot On It, It's Just So Sexy)!
Now Go And Rape My Fan Button! And I'll Rape Yours BackXD!
Peace Out!!
  • Where ever you want me to be
  • JoinedJuly 14, 2013

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