
So many thanks Joy for your follow and the reads and shrewd time voting on the new chapters of  I'm a Cyborg's Pet . It really means a lot to us. 
          ps. All hail the New Mechanical Order. :)


@Joybee01 Yeah I'm like you procrastinator wise. I find once I get started on HW I can't stop either. Anyway -... thank you so much.


@The-Scrivener Honestly thanks for writing such a cool story. I love how you change what the POV's say depending on the situation that Jenny is in. The dynamic characters are captivating and once I found your story I could do nothing but binge it this weekend. Which helped me ignore all my HW and finals coming up (although I am a genuine procrastinator who probably would've put HW off anyways) So thank you, because being able to read such a fantastic story is an honor, a pleasure, and really means a lot to me. 