
I have officially posted the first chapter of Riverman, check it out if you've got the time.


Dude I'm actually pretty hype to check out your story lol! Also thanks for the follow ;p and go with the wattys I'm probably gonna go for them this year too. Glad to see more M/T's out there on the Pads ;p


@Jsmada24 nah no problem man. everyone was Oscaring last night. Also M/T stands for Mystery/Thriller it's my shorthand for it.


@TsukinArchangel M/T's? But thanks, really, I'll get to your story real soon, I still need to sleep off the Oscars. *Wink*


Yep, it's official, I've been using this site for one full year now (not that Wattpad will be giving me a pat on the back for using their site for this long.)
          I can't post anything special today, I was, but I can't with this project. I want it mostly done by December. Speaking of which, as of Labor Day I've surpassed 100,000 words on the novel. Definitely means something for my method of posting next year.
          Hold on guys, I'm not pulling legs. This project stopped me from posting something today and made me drop another along the way. I can almost guarantee, on March of next year, depending on how I post, there will be half a year of chapters just for this book. It's going for Wattys 2017, and of course people here aren't going to wave two shits in it's  direction.
          But hey, I'm enjoying wasting my year.


Hey everybody, Joseph here with an update on things here. I haven't been posting anything new as usual, but I am still revising this project I have. Because of how this project has been going, I'm afraid I won't be posting anything new per-say but I am posting one little collection on the anniversary of being on Wattpad for a year. So there is that.
          Sometimes when you've got multiple projects, you just need to prioritize when things come your way. I thought I had more time in the year to work on a side project, but because of the scope of the novel I'm writing things are changing. Because of the project's size and college starting up in a week, I won't be posting any new stories this year, I'd like to be able to finish the revisions by December.
          Please understand, I take my time with things like this, it's the only way for me to write and iron out a story without feeling overwhelmed with things and worry that it will turn out terrible. I wish there was another way, but this is how I work.
          With the way things are going, I'm planning on a mid to late March 2017 release date. To hint how big this project has grown, my first draft of the whole novel came in at about 62,000 words, the whole thing mind you. At the time of this posting, the first half of the novel is 65,545 words. That's only half of the revisions, not including the non revised second half.
          I need as much time as I can, but I can promise you that this story will be my entry for the 2017 Wattys. And if you think I'm not progressing because I'm too lazy, take a look at Stephen King's IT. As prolific as he is, it took him 4 years to complete the book. Don't think that it's bad to take time, if it's your own project, that's for you to decide.


Writing is hard, and sometimes you need to read to stay inspired and fueled to write. Up here at Greenvile Michigain I went to a flea-market in Trufant, twice, and I picked up some books to last me a while.
          On the 14th I picked up paper backs of Stephen king's Skeleton crew, The Running Man (One of his Bachman novels), and IT along with False Memory by Dean Koontz. Together they cost $7.25 for all four books.
          Today I came there again, picked up Stephen King's The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger and The Tommy Knockers, as well as three Science Fiction books which are Pennterra, Eyes of The Monster, and The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume II A. All for $7 even.
          In total, my mom only paid $14.25 ($1.58 a book) as opposed to me paying $19 for IT and The Different Seasons on my Kindle (Which I sadly did when I traded 4 dollars and a Google Play card to get them.)
          Moral of the story: Flea-Markets are great for finding books, and Flea-Markets are not junk yards.
          Can't wait to read em' all, currently reading: IT.


Hey how's it going? Sorry it's been so long, revising on my next book is underway. But before I go I'd like to say a few announcements.
          1.) My next big project will be finished and begin posting near March of 2017. It might be done earlier, but I plan to showcase it in next year's Wattys.
          2.) There will be something posted on my one year anniversary. It's a surprise but it's almost ready.
          3.) In November I have one more story to show you all for the year. As part of National Novel Writing Month, I am posting a little bit of a serial to motivate anyone participating in the event.
          4.) I have uploaded a little bit of a short play I wrote in my senior year of highschool. I figure, I could post something on my page to at least show that I'm not dead to you people.
          Check it out, it's something:
          Anyway, that's my update, I do hope you're having a great summer as I'm hard to work on my novel. See you next time.


To all who have wondering what I'be been doing, I'm not dead I'm just working on a manuscript for the next big project. In the mean time, I wrote a 100 word short story for #100WordScream.
          If your curious, check it out. It's only 100 words, I doubt your eyes will bleed at that length.


I am back! It's time to write again my dear readers. This February, I am posting a short story which I have finished its revision stage. I will soon working be on the third draft, and then it shall be yours to read.
          And after that, it's time for me to begin drafting my next novel.
          I'm going for the Wattys!!!