Happy valentines day everyone! Hope you all have a great day! If you dont have a valentine, like me, then treat yourself by eating as much food as you can!
Reading List
Happy valentines day everyone! Hope you all have a great day! If you dont have a valentine, like me, then treat yourself by eating as much food as you can!
Happy valentines day everyone! Hope you all have a great day! If you dont have a valentine, like me, then treat yourself by eating as much food as you can!
Hey!! Its been a fat minute since I last did.. anything really. Anyway, I've been thinking. I am a "smart" person right? I am an independent 15 year old right? If you answered yes to any of those questions, rethink your answer because you are 100 present wrong. Anyway, I may be planning on making another funny book. I know someone might be thinking why would I ever do that because anytime I try something, i fail. Well, my answer to that is, i dont know. I dont have a good answer for anything so dont @ me lmfao. Anyway, I took down the funny stories boom because it was dumb and everyone knows that. So that's why I'm making a even dumber one, just for yalls! (Literally like one person is going to read this but that not the point, let me dream.) So, I may or may not be posting it ever because I just wrote it today but you never know what's going to come out of it because its past midnight and you never know what dumb thinks I think of when I'm tired. With that, goodnight. This may or may not be taken down eventually depending on what non-tired me decides but shshh!!
@Julz_The_Cat Thanks but you never know how good you are until you try. And I practiced too. I was writing for years before I found out about Wattpad and put my books out there for people to read
@AbigailMartin467 I didnt read that again so I might have said that but what I meant was not that IM dumb, its my dumb ideas that are dumb. Also, I realized how many typos and auto corrects theres were in that that I never looked at lol and the book wont be a story and they deeeffffinitely wont be anywhere close as good as yours but I'll try :)
@KrunchieKookies =^.^= the only face I know how to make because I'm not a cheater like you by using other things lmao
hi haven’t spoken to you in a while
@Meg_The_LightBulb sameee at least now I have a study hall during school so I can be forced to do something lol
@Meg_The_LightBulb ohh okay good lol. Some people automatically think you are ignoring them if you dont respond right away and stuff but then if you respond late then that's weird go some people so it's like what? Anyway, I've been good too, I've had so many books I've been meaning to read on here but then I just never do and I never keep up lol
I is cat ;-;
Happy Halloween to everyone who celebrates and I know this I'd late but oh well lol
Hey, I wanted to tell you ages ago but my email was messed up, but I really enjoy reading your fun little books with jokes in them. They’re really funny. Okay, just wanted to tell you (btw, love the name Julz, it’s awesome).
Then you have an awesome friend. My friends only give me the nickname “Meggie” when they want me to do something.
@Meg_The_LightBulb Awee thanks so muchh!! ❤❤❤ My friend gave me the name Julz a long time ago and it always stuck because I liked it.
Since there's still 15 minutes for me until midnight I'm not too late but Happy New Year everyone!
lmao u survived the satanic deeds
I would just like to say, thank you so much for being my editor for my stories! I've been wanting to edit my books for awhile but I just don't have the time to read all of those chapters while I'm working on my other books. So thanks again! And do you mind me calling you my editor? I feel like you definitely deserve the title XD
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