
Reading The Final Choice today so that I can freshen my memory and start writing again. Extra busy since I’m the family chauffeur now, but I miss writing. I think quite a few of you left when I stopped updating it, but hopefully you’ll come back. Anyway, thank you to everyone for all of the support over the past few years. You have no idea how much it means to me. Love ya, have a great day! 


@trinity_honey12 its listed in my bio but you’ll have to go waaaaay back bc I wrote that back in 2018 or 2019 and I posted A LOT back then. Its @samncolby_solby


@Jessie_SnC97 what is your instagram? I want to follow you to stay posted on the story of colby and terra


Hey everyone, I don't know if this message will get much attention but I don't know many Sam And Colby fans. But this is probably the only time I can get this out here so I just want to say I have created a Sam and Colby story in which is till underway and I have only managed to start it. And I would be so grateful if people were to just check it out as this story has been a working process for me since last year I've just not had the motivation to write anything so I only began writing in January and I am still continuing to write more as we speak. I really hope this story gets views as I have a very wild imagination that is soaring in this book but I need this motivation from you guys to continue. So, in conclusion I hope you understand how much this can mean to me and I hope the person reading this just takes a look. If you would like to click on my profile. It is the story titled 'You Can't Last Forever'. I appreciate everything and thank you to @JustJessie624 as you have inspired me to write like this and your stories have enriched my mind to many extents and I thank you for that very deeply. Thank you everyone and Happy Reading! xxx


I’ll check it out!


Hey have you been doing okay? Just wanting to check in make sure you’re doing okay. Love you


@JustJessie624 okay!!! Just checking in love you take as much time as you need. Btw I loveeeee ur stories.


Yeah I’m okay. Just not able to write about snc since I’m not into them anymore. May start writing original character stories soon. Thank you for checking on me. Love you ❤️


Reading The Final Choice today so that I can freshen my memory and start writing again. Extra busy since I’m the family chauffeur now, but I miss writing. I think quite a few of you left when I stopped updating it, but hopefully you’ll come back. Anyway, thank you to everyone for all of the support over the past few years. You have no idea how much it means to me. Love ya, have a great day! 


@trinity_honey12 its listed in my bio but you’ll have to go waaaaay back bc I wrote that back in 2018 or 2019 and I posted A LOT back then. Its @samncolby_solby


@Jessie_SnC97 what is your instagram? I want to follow you to stay posted on the story of colby and terra