
Hi followers, I dearly apologize because it's been pretty mucha  whole year since I've touched basis with WOY. I feel like crap because of the new fans that are just reading and then my veteran fans that have been waiting patiently. As far as the book goes, I'll be making major changes to the plot because I have no clue where I was going with it in the first place. Thanks for understanding.


Hi followers, I dearly apologize because it's been pretty mucha  whole year since I've touched basis with WOY. I feel like crap because of the new fans that are just reading and then my veteran fans that have been waiting patiently. As far as the book goes, I'll be making major changes to the plot because I have no clue where I was going with it in the first place. Thanks for understanding.


Hey guys! I'm starting on a completely NEW story and I think it's great. It is a short story, which will give me more to work with because I can do a sequel much quicker. But anywho, thank you guys for your support on my other stories and hopefully you'll like this just as much. 
          Brittany, xoxoxox


Guest_iExitinq: Can i ask you
          Guest_iExitinq: something ...
          Guest_iExitinq: <_<
          NaturallyDumbAF: zz
          soliderboyjustin123: yea
          Guest_iExitinq: Do you mind if i shit on your chest ... ?
          NaturallyDumbAF: Omfg!
          soliderboyjustin123: wat the fuck wrong with u niqqa
          NaturallyDumbAF: LOL.
          Guest_iExitinq: Everything
          Guest_iExitinq: I have problems ....
          Guest_iExitinq: I was dropped as a baby ...
          soliderboyjustin123: well fuck u
          NaturallyDumbAF: He does. Lol
          Guest_iExitinq: But can i ?
          NaturallyDumbAF: zz.
          soliderboyjustin123: i out
          soliderboyjustin123: peace
          Guest_iExitinq: Wait
          Guest_iExitinq: LOVE ME !
          Guest_iExitinq: z
          Guest_iExitinq: z
          Guest_iExitinq: z
          soliderboyjustin123: n
          Guest_iExitinq: z
          Guest_iExitinq: z
          NaturallyDumbAF: Hey! Chill
          Guest_iExitinq: No
          Guest_iExitinq: z
          Guest_iExitinq: z
          Guest_iExitinq: Nice
          Guest_iExitinq: z
          NaturallyDumbAF: >.>
          soliderboyjustin123 has left the chat


Guest_iExitinq: I was screaming your name last night
          Guest_iExitinq: <_<
          Guest_iExitinq: Z
          NaturallyDumbAF: Whatchu mean?
          NaturallyDumbAF: >.>
          Guest_iExitinq: Nada nada,
          Guest_iExitinq: ;]
          NaturallyDumbAF: TELL ME!
          Guest_iExitinq: Screaming your name ...
          Guest_iExitinq: In bed ...
          Guest_iExitinq: >_>
          Guest_iExitinq: <_<
          NaturallyDumbAF: You were fapping to me?
          Guest_iExitinq: <3
          Guest_iExitinq: YES.