I'm just your local weirdo,

My pronouns are he/him.

I'd say I'm demisexual and panromantic but figuring that out isn't a priority for me.

I'm trash, a nerd (aren't we all), a gamer ("gaymer"), an emo and an otaku (kind of, more like was an otaku, it's been a while).

I'm a person that likes to draw sometimes.

I'm a watch a lot of (too much) YouTube. I love memes more than I should.

Emo is my religion - praise out lord and saviour Gerard Way aka Geesus. I really like DnD, Star Wars, Sherlock, Merlin, Be More Chill, A Very Potter Musical, (S#)It a musical parody, and SO so much more, Geesus help me, I'm never gonna make it.

Fuck it KickTheStickz will forever be my OTP.

Why do I keep shipping ships nobody ships?

Congrats if you read all of that lmao.
  • stuck in 2009
  • انضمOctober 16, 2017


قصة بقلم Milo
soo I got tagged بقلم JustUrLocalWeirdo
soo I got tagged
literally just made this book to respond to a tag seriously that's it
2 قوائم قراءة