
Sorry I was gone guys! I was doing grad stuff, I am back now <3


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Hey hey friends, long time no talk. 
          I've come back just to let you all know I'm well. I'm doing much better and I am over the pain that I was experiencing. I am living on and have applied to my colleges, I've decided to become a nurse practitioner. Got a couple bigger scholarships and I am ready to go. I did decide to stay in Cali for college, but I won't specify. 
          It took me a little bit to get over it, but I'm doing much better now. I'm writing poetry, I'm animating, I'm coding, I'm getting new PRs in game ranks... It's all going pretty nicely right now and I don't have much to complain about. I haven't made any new friends, and my sleeping hasn't gone any better... But I just feel so much lighter. There is a bounce in my step, and I am ready for life to come at me. Finally, again I have my life under control. 
          I must add that I did something I thought I never would: I asked a cute girl on a date. There was no questioning, no indifference, I was straight forward... And let's just say I have no regrets about it.  It hasn't happened yet, but I am very excited and a little anxious. It was a step out of my comfort zone, but a step I very much needed to take. Fuck nervousness, just do it. Even if she had said no, what was the worst that could have happened? I encourage you all to do something outside of your comfort zone, because there may be a return greater than you expect :)
          Anyways, Thank you guys for everything. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. I'll cherish my little roleplayers for years, thank you for all of those small little details and the endorphins, the plots and the tears. Some of you should seriously write books!
          Good luck for next year guys, make sure you become exactly what you want to become. Be a kind person with loads of integrity. Don't lie, don't cheat. Good things come to good people who are willing to wait.
          Maybe one day, I can return. But until then, good luck guys. You deserve the world.


            Congratulations man


@PlatLia thank you thank you!


@Just_a_guy1 ooo, good luck with college James! I’m really happy for you, the direction in life you have now definitely sounds amazing. Good luck with the date too :D hope to be able to talk with ya again soon one day


Hey all, this may be the final message I leave here so... Yeah
          First of all: I apologize. For leaving you all once again... But, I have some possible good news.
          It was suggested to me that I just take a break and see if I couldn't form so better habbits. So... I have decided against deleting the account for now. In doing so, I lose all of you who don't have discord. So... I figure it's best to keep this bad boy out.
          So, here is the plan. I'm going to take a month break away from this app. Delete it off my phone and just let the account simmer for a bit...
          Then, come back after a lot of self reflection. I'm going to work on eating at least a meal everyday. I'm going to work on being a better student, a better worker, and a better brother, better son. 
          Then after my month, I'll check back in and decide whether or not the account gets purged. 
          I'm going to be honest with you: this is an anticlimactic ending to the saga... But I felt that if I had a reason to come back to something in a month... I could give my life a simple purpose and hopefully find a better one to live by. Its a stalling tactic, but it's for a good reason. 
          So, I hope to see you all in a month. Maybe by then I'll be in a brighter place. Peace out, all.


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As I promised to you all... All of my finished chapters are published for a small amount of time.
          Song lyrics- self explanatory. Has existed for over a year.
          Roleplay book- self explanatory. I do it often, I fucking love detail. Not much in it, I didn't have much time. But I am proud of the creativity I had two years ago.
          Sword Art Online Fanfic- This bad boy is from the seventh grade (I'm in 12th grade now). You might wonder how that is, considering the account is two years old. I've been here since the fifth grade. I took this bad boy off my old account and republished it. So... Enjoy the cringe? 


@Just_a_guy1 feel free to comment and tell me how much it sucks- or anything you want.


Hey peeps. So, this is my last 24 hours huh? Never thought I'd see the day.
          In the last 24 hours... I've received so many dms and I am so thankful for all of you. I've literally gotten so much support, it's reminded me of why I loved this place so much. Even the people I roleplayed with years ago checked in on me... So a big thankful to everyone. I never realized I had so many of you, and I am thankful to all of you.
          If I still haven't you given you my personal, just ask. I forget. I'm busy and tired and dumb.
          And about the whole situation at hand... I'm still lost. Still hurting. And I still don't know where I will go or for how long I can go. It just... It sucks, you know? I hate to say I'm *traditional*, but my ideal life ended with a wife and kids that I had succeeded in raising. Ideally, I want to be better than my parents by a landslide. And I dont know if that will happen, honestly. But, regardless... I'll do some digging and find a new reason to keep on keeping on. I've got a few smaller things already in the works. I'm going to post the stories I've been keeping in my drafts for a bit, just so that time spent wasn't in vein. However you spell it.
          I signed my gardianship papers today and I go to court against my mother and my father in a month. So that's a plus? Kinda?
          So... I hope you all are well and you never have to feel even close to this. you are a beautiful bunch who has impacted a life for who knows how long. May your smiles be bright and your laughs be long. Stay safe everybody, I'll say my final goodbyes tomorrow.


@Just_a_guy1 We may not have spoken much before, but I wish you the best in life and get the happiness you want in life!


@Just_a_guy1 good luck with your life James! I know it’ll all be good for you :D you’ll get the justice and the happiness that you deserve 


To all of my followers, I just want to let you guys know that this is the end of my time on wattpad. There is no coming back, I am gone for good. I'm deleting this account in 48 hours. If you want to talk one last time, just go ahead and.shoot me a message. And for those of you who want to know too much about me, the reasoning will be below.
          So hi. I'm in a really bad spot right now. Back in my junior year, I thought I had it figured out. I had a girlfriend I thought I would marry. Perfect grades. A college to go to. I wasn't scared of eating, religion, or death. I had a reason to continue and I didn't understand why anyone wouldnt.
          The middle of my junior year, I lost that girlfriend. But I was fine I mean, you get taken advantage of enough times, you are happy to go. 
          But by the end of my junior year, I had met someone very special. They were smart, kind, playful... Ideal partner material right? You get the jist. We were facetiming 6+ hours a day, and texting constantly when we were not facetiming. I got art and so much more... I was convinced I had met my soulmate. But... What if I told you they didn't feel the same? Yeah... That happened.
          Now, if you know who I am talking about? Cool. If you are lucky enough to still be in their life, well... Just do me a favor. Make sure they are eating well. Make sure they are sleeping well and keeping up on their grades. Make em happy for me. Check in on them. And... I know they don't want to hear it, but I'm sorry. Tell them I'm sorry. I wasn't enough. I tried being there as a friend, but... Simple as that. They don't want me. I can't make them want me.
          (Continued in replies)


@Just_a_guy1 sure! I’ll definitely get it around the end of this year, so look out for me then lol


@PlatLia you've been nothing but wonderful to me. I appreciate it more than you know. I'll send you my discord tag just in case you ever get it, if you'd like.


@Just_a_guy1 I’m really sad to see you go but at the same time, I’m glad that you’re going to take care of yourself. Our time together as friends was short but I enjoyed every second of it. I’m sad I can’t message you elsewhere since I don’t have discord, but know that I appreciate all of your messages. You’re a good person James, thank you for being my friend