I'm actually Abella Foxxe (hehe, threw you for a loop right?) but I created a side account for random Broadway fandoms I decide I like...

You can follow this me if you want to not be Bible verse "spammed" but I advise you to follow @AbellaFoxxe because that's my main account.

I think that's all you need to know... tag me, dm me, wtv to find out more. I don't have to answer you if I don't want to though. Keep that in mind ;).

➪ 𝚐𝚘
➪ 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠

I do requests but there are some things I'm not going to do:
-LGTBQ+ (I'm not being a hater, I just don't fell comfortable with that. Pls don't be offended. Thx)
-I rarely put cuss words in my stories
-No sex unless the two characters are married and even then it's not going to be described, just stated as a fact

If you give me a request that has something that's not on this list but I don't feel comfortable with doing, I will tell you and try to make some suggestions of how to change it.

Thank you for your patience with my list :)))

(I'm not obsessed with Sky Flarhety, I promise. He's just an interesting person. Like all of us.)
  • Sharing a scateboard with Sky Flarhety... jk
  • Дата регистрацииApril 8, 2021


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