
Hi, Justus! Thank you for choosing The Bride for your collection, I hope you find it entertaining and worth your while.


@lyttlejoe  You are welcome and I know I will love it trust me but check out both of my stories Paul quick gun and quick gun the rewritten but more descriptive of the story but also I  hope you will love my stories just like I am going to love yours 


Hello; thank you for adding Caleb to your reading list! I hope you enjoy it. 


You are welcome and I am going to read it today and check my story Paul’Quick Gun Cummings Greenwood The story: you never knew I am working on rewriting the story but it will have the same concepts to the Original story but it will be more descriptive 


Hello Everyone I Know You All Been waiting for me to publish the rest of my story but I’ve Got good news I am re-writing the story of Paul And it will be in more full depth and description also the title of it Would be Quick Gun and I am going to try to get it done also get it Published for you all to read I am going to keep the same concept in it but it will be more details I am hoping you all ready for it