So there's a ton of dinos that need to be named in my story, Scorched Scales. So, if you would like your name to be in my story, just comment it down below. It can be anything, pet, family member, Spore creation, it doesn't have to be an ARK dino (though it can be). Anything! Just post the name with the hashtag #dragonnames
If its something like a pet or ARK dino, feel free to add a description and I will try to incorporate that into the story.
If there's a personality trait you want to demonstrated, just comment it with the name.
We need 15 names in total.
We will be naming two fire wyvern, two jerboas, two raptors, two terror birds, one ankylosaurus, one argentavis, one doedicurus, one rex, one mantis, one lightning wyvern, and one thorny dragon.
Also, feel free to post more than one name in the same comment.
Good luck, and have fun! :D