
Has anyone read that one kyman fanfic where Elf King Kyle got taken away by Wizard Cartman?.. I think it had smut in two chapters... I just found out that it got deleted and I'm trying to think the name of it but I just can't seem to remember it 


Hello, Anyway you could maybe take This down? It's very inappropriate toward the characters and these are acts no under age characters should do! I hope you consider taking it down don't be a bad person and please take this into consideration. Thanks


Has anyone read that one kyman fanfic where Elf King Kyle got taken away by Wizard Cartman?.. I think it had smut in two chapters... I just found out that it got deleted and I'm trying to think the name of it but I just can't seem to remember it 


I have a cold 


why's everyone getting a cold oml anywsys get beetter sspon