
@horsebackrider thanks! i'll look it up right away!(:


dear people of earth and beyond,
          i have decided NOT to continue with my stories 'Im in love with the person I hate the most!!' and 'Living the Dream'.. I am just not that into it anymore. however, to make up for any damages, I am coming up with a new story: This All Started With A Bite.. Here is the summary of this new story:
          Derek's life was just starting to get exciting. He landed a spot on first string for his school's lacrosse team. He made a date with the beautiful new girl, Samantha. what else could go wrong? But one day when he was looking in the woods with his best friend Jansen for the missing body of a girl at their school, Derek is suddenly attacked by something he hardly recognized as a wolf. Things became stranger after that point. Will his life ever be the same?
          I know it sounds a lot like the new MTV series, Teen Wolf, but that is what inspired me. I absolutely love that show. But I promise I will make it different from the show. Read more to find out what happens to Derek


hey ya'll! i love uploading to you guys but i really eed more support.. I am bout to upload a new 'Dek Street and I are.....' but after that, I need at least 5 more fans and votes for me to upload again. also, if yall are creative at all, id love to have some new banners for my uploads. k thanx. love, hannah marie <3


Thankx for fanning, mate :'D
          I hope you continue to read my stories :) If you're interested, I have three other stories that would suit your taste ^__^
          A Death Lipstick Kiss On The Cheek
          The Angel's Voice
          Please Be Careful With My Heart
          Please don't forget to click the mini icons on your left as you read ^0^
          and Mail it to your friends :D
          Thankx again, for everything ^___^