
Sarge: All is fair in love and war.
          	Random PFC: So why is the Geneva convention a thing?
          	The rest of the dudes in our formation: ...
          	*fortunate son intensifies*


So, I was talking to a few of my friends the other day, and the only part of the conversation that I was sober enough to remember was this:
          French friend: So if I'm French, does that make me hate the English by default?
          English friend: Yes, and don't worry the feeling is mutual.
          Ukrainian Friend: Well I'm Ukrainian, so that means that I hate this guy over here, right?
          Me: I'm more German than I am Russian, so don't worry, there's already enough self-hate going on over here.
          Polish Friend: So that just means I hate you, but to the power of two?


I was asked today what makes me cry the most in life, and I had to think about that for a while. I have cried a grand total of seven times since the pandemic started, two of them for my grandparents' funerals, and five of them for rewatching the Clone Wars. All of those surrounded Waxer dying, Ahsoka leaving the order, Satine Kryze's murder, Fives being shot, and Ahsoka again, this time in Victory and Death.
          I remember vividly that every time I watch those episodes, that I break down harder and harder with each re-watch, to the point that I can't even focus on the show anymore or clearly see the screen with how blurry the tears made my vision.
          So now I relay to you, dear reader, what is the one thing that has made you cry more than anything else in your world?


@KGBlyat that fact that thron died and fox didnt


@KGBlyat // I?? Dang, I’ve been moved by Clone Wars, but apparently not nearly as much as you. 
            I’ve cried at some movies, like No Way Home, I think The Notebook, and Return to Snowy River (don’t judge, that horse scene is brutal to a kid)
            though, I’ve def cried the most bcuz of school. girls being b*tches in conjunction with constantly trying to cram homework and make perfect scores on top of being in several sports can really turn on the waterworks for me :/


Ey bro. You still alive? If you are reading this go on my profile and read my Azur Lane Story. Now you might think: "why is he advertising his story on my message board?" but all I can say is...
          "I'm advertising my(maybe our) story on OUR message board" 


@ KaiserSamuel  it's ok man. Hope you're better now. I don't even know what I thought there lmao. What you're up to (job wise etc.)


            Sorry it took so long, a lot has happened in the last month and I'm still recovering and sorting things out. Maybe once summer hits I can take you up on that offer, you just might have to nudge me to remind me.