My dream is to become a popular teen author, but people of all ages can enjoy my works. 
There's so much garbage in the world, and another of my goals is to keep my literature clean and friendly. Please enjoy (but do not plagiarize) my books!
I appreciate any constructive feedback.
You guys are the best!
  • Everywhere...I'm watching you! Wait, that's a little creepy....
  • InscritOctober 14, 2014

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KJBernhard KJBernhard Jan 02, 2016 08:51PM
Hello everyone. I did quite a lot of updating today on several of my works. Please read, vote, comment, and suggest. I would love, love, LOVE it if you guys gave me some ideas for my Imagines book...
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Histoires par KJBernhard
Short Stories par KJBernhard
Short Stories
Short Stories is a compilation of random flash fictions and Twitter stories. Hope y'all like it!
ranking #69 dans la catégorie goodstuff Voir tous les classements
The Game of Despair par KJBernhard
The Game of Despair
Just a teaser for a new story.
Mannequinistic par KJBernhard
First place winner of Flash Fiction Writing Contest-Other Side of Quiet A simple flash fiction piece.
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