
I apologize to anyone who may have been reading Fairytale Lost, but I have taken it down. It has been in further development for some time and will be relaunched as the first part of a series with my publisher at a later date. I will post here with more updates, and hopefully all who enjoyed the novel will continue to follow Story on her journey. Thank you to all the readers who have taken the time to read and comment—so much love and appreciation to you all! <3


I apologize to anyone who may have been reading Fairytale Lost, but I have taken it down. It has been in further development for some time and will be relaunched as the first part of a series with my publisher at a later date. I will post here with more updates, and hopefully all who enjoyed the novel will continue to follow Story on her journey. Thank you to all the readers who have taken the time to read and comment—so much love and appreciation to you all! <3


          In two weeks, I will be taking Fairytale Lost down from Wattpad. I will be developing it to be published later this year as the first in the Dreamer Saga series. No longer will it be the prequel! Thank you to everyone who have left messages and given it love. I would invite you to continue with the series as it is published in the coming year.  I will leave announcements here for all of you who are interested in continuing on the adventure. 
          You can also follow me at and sign up for my newsletter or follow my blog. 
          For those of you CURRENTLY reading it, please private message me and I would be happy to send you a PDF copy of its current incarnation.
          Never stop reading,
          <3 KM


To all my lovely followers, 
          I have unpublished the several chapters that were available of Fractured Dream because it has been extensively re-edited for republishing. At a later time I will hopefully be able to repost samples of it. If anyone would like to be a beta reader for the newest version, please  PM me. This is the book that comes after Fairytale Lost and continues the adventure. Thank you!


My publisher is going out of business, and within a couple of days, one book will be temporarily out of print and the other will be in the hands of a new publisher. So, get them while they're hot: The Reaper's Daughter on Amazon is 99 cents and Fractured Dream, the book the follows Fairytale Lost, is only $2.00. :)


@cdonahue Thank you so much for reading Fairytale Lost! Yes, I certainly hope it will be coming back, but it's temporarily out of print. I'm in the midst of looking for a new publisher for it since my previous publisher closed its doors, and I'm doing some re-editing of it at the moment. I have a number of signed print copies for sale right now for $15.00 that I have of my own. If you're interested in that, you can find out more info on my website:
            If not, just sign up for my newsletter on my site, because I'll make sure to send out an announcement when it's available again in stores as an ebook. 
            Thank you! <3


I loved Fairytale Lost and want to read Fractured Dream but can't find it anywhere! Will it be coming back?


I just want to say thank you to all my readers who have been so patient with my irregular posting. Fairytale Lost is now complete! For anyone who would like a PDF copy of the book, please go to my website and merely subscribe to my mailing list and I'll send you one. Again, thank you for all your reads, likes, and general love. It means so much! <3