@Kafaya360 Ooi Kaf don't take such stupid decision, before you even try it.
Don't worry about the views or comments or likes from other's. If you love to write you won't take such a drastic decision.
At the beginning when I was writing my story I also think like you. Then what's the reason we like to watch Naruto, don't you know his motive word ( What ever happen I'm not gonna give up, that's my ninja way ). I remembered his word. It makes me complete my story, I don't cared about weather people like my story or not, but I love to write so I did it. Even though some people motivated me to write, not other than my own cousin brothers. I did it for them.
Do it for you
Do it for your friends who believes In you.
At least do it for me.
I won't read your story until you complete it. I want you to say to me, I completed my story go on and read it now.
If you Love to write, do it now. If you resist now you won't make it further anymore.
I can't even compare my writing skills with you. Because I'm really a poor writer. If I can do it, then why can't you?