
Hello everyone! Been a long while since you've heard from me huh?
          	Apologies for such a long delay, I've been busy with IRL subjects and have had the longest writers block but I'm gonna get back on things as soon as possible!
          	First off, I am announcing that I will be doing a complete rewrite of Winged Uprising! I feel as if I can go a more interesting route than what the current story offers. I don't know when I'll be able to publish the newest version but I'm sure it'll be soon as I'm currently in the phase of rewriting Chapter 1!
          	Second off, I've been dabbling with my creativity so I might publish some one-note tales that don't revolve around MHA!
          	I'm sorry for the year-long delay and I hope to bring more of the continuation of Winged Uprising!


Hello everyone! Been a long while since you've heard from me huh?
          Apologies for such a long delay, I've been busy with IRL subjects and have had the longest writers block but I'm gonna get back on things as soon as possible!
          First off, I am announcing that I will be doing a complete rewrite of Winged Uprising! I feel as if I can go a more interesting route than what the current story offers. I don't know when I'll be able to publish the newest version but I'm sure it'll be soon as I'm currently in the phase of rewriting Chapter 1!
          Second off, I've been dabbling with my creativity so I might publish some one-note tales that don't revolve around MHA!
          I'm sorry for the year-long delay and I hope to bring more of the continuation of Winged Uprising!


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Sup epic gamers!
          So I might release Chapter 5 of  Winged Uprising later before Halloween, get hyped! If not by then, I'll try to get it out early November. 
          Stay tuned!
          Preview :
          "No, its completely fine. No hard feelings, Bird Boy." Tsuyu chuckles, I meanwhile blush at my joke.'
          "If you say so."
          'Ok good, she doesn't think you're a total jackass...wait a fucking minute.'


Ello there everyone!
          First off, sorry I haven't really uploaded anything new or fresh in the past couple of months, I've been busy with other projects that I'm working on/apart of so I haven't had time to write much for "Winged Uprising."
          Second off, I'll update some things here on my Wattpad now that I'm finished with school for now so that'll be cool!
          Third off, thanks for sticking around for so long and I'll see if I can get "Winged Uprising" out in the next couple of weeks, ask any questions you want to ask and I'll answer them the best I can.
          Till then, remember to go further beyond...
          PLUS ULTRA!!!!!


@KamrenTheReactor  I now this is late to say, but I'm glad ur back! Can't wait for the next chapter!