Heyo.. I know I kinda disappeared off the face of Wattpad for some time. Heh, my bad. A lot of stuff happened. I moved to a school that I used to go to in September, and I am loving seeing all my old friends. I joined like 7 extracurricular activities and had a few clubs outside of school as well. And I was on the track team. Between all that I had no Wi-Fi or data so I could rarely get online. Even if I did have time between all my clubs I wouldn't have been able to be on much lol. But uh, well something happened. I was crossing the street and got hit by a car, and now I'm in 0 clubs and 0 extracurricular activities. I just go to school and straight home because of my injuries, which are a fractured skull (with a subdural hematoma), broken collarbone, fractured spinal disk, and a broken foot. I'm not trying to get like pity points here just describing if cause you guys should know. But you should also know that I'm recovering really well. I was up and walking in no time. So I'm doing really well. And there were many fundraisers for me and my friends who also got hit. So I was able to finally afford phone minutes and Wi-Fi and I think I'll be on more. Again, no extracurriculars lol so I have some more time. That's about all and uh- how did I leave off again? Oh--