
@DarknessAndLight I read I Sold Myself to The Devil loved it and hated it at the same time and for me that's a really good thing I got so lost in the story that I would stay up for days trying to read it when I found the time I'm so waiting for more on the Smirking Jerk to really get the insight to what was going on in his head at the same time I can only say that I've got lost in very few books over the years so to tell you this its a great pleasure and makes me want to find the time to upload my own stories I have a few but I never really wanted to share them now for reading stories like yours and a small few on watt pad it has me wanting to actually see what others think so I thank you for being part of my inspiration 


@DarknessAndLight I read I Sold Myself to The Devil loved it and hated it at the same time and for me that's a really good thing I got so lost in the story that I would stay up for days trying to read it when I found the time I'm so waiting for more on the Smirking Jerk to really get the insight to what was going on in his head at the same time I can only say that I've got lost in very few books over the years so to tell you this its a great pleasure and makes me want to find the time to upload my own stories I have a few but I never really wanted to share them now for reading stories like yours and a small few on watt pad it has me wanting to actually see what others think so I thank you for being part of my inspiration