THE CLAN OF OUTCASTS, SEASON 3--Latest Chapter: "The Boy With All The Gifts"
Leave an upvote if you get the reference of the chapter title! Only a few more chapters now, before it's complete! And then what? I'm thinking of putting a bunch of "first chapters" out in one cover, and whichever gets the most upvotes, that's the one I continue posting. I'm all out of finished ideas, truth be told... so whatever I start posting next will be unfinished. What say you to that? 180 followers, there's bound to be some opinions among you!
Anyway, about this week's chapter: As I said, we're getting close to the end. Trevon has reached the Gate... but he can't open it. Sir Roger meets him there--but can an old, grizzled knight speak to the young Gybralltan hidden within the perverted puppet of Mallory's own making?
Speaking of Mallory, the defenses of The Roque have given way, and she has gained the object of her own undoing, that is, Polaris' Dagger. What horrors will she be able to accomplish with a Knight of Juros bound to her will? How will they succeed in stopping her now?
Happy Reading!