
@EmmaMalik208 Hi Emma!!! 


Heyyy, so I have a new story up! It's called And The Records Play On and On.  I just posted Chapter 2! It's going to be a lot longer than any of my other stories. Each on is about 10-11 pages on word.  It would mean a lot if you read it and told me what you think! This is the description:
           Rose moves from Connecticut all the way down to Florida.  Big change isn't it?  She seems to think so.  With a little brother always wanting to make "Accidents Happen" videos, a mother who always proves herself to be a ditz, and a girl at school always trying to be friends, Rose begins to feel overwhelmed.  But this mysterious boy is always near, but never says a word.  Rose takes an interest to him, but won't tell anyone.  How does this all play out? Will Rose settle in, or will she remain the quiet girl she was back in Connecticut?


Hey, it's Kat. I just want to make everything clear; I don't relate to Katrina in the divorce against her parents. I got all my inspiration from other stories and one of my friends. Her parents divorce went exactly as Katrina's. She wanted for everyone to know how she was affected without them really knowing it was her. I offered to put it in my story, so that's where the divorce with Katrina's parents came to mind. I have gotten asked by many people how I can come up with something like this, well, the truth is this is a true story between two parents, but it's not my story. The divorce against my parents I know nothing about. So please let me tell you I don't connect to the divorce between Katrina's parents. Thank you all for being such good fans. I will continue posting the story