
Hello friends, after no slight amount of debate I have chosen to repost my old drafts prior to moving forward with the new. Expect more writing from me soon, as I will be doing a little Wattpad blogging.


A new day, a new strategy.
          Sometime over the next week, you'll be seeing some teasers for my upcoming novel which will be self-published through Amazon. By self-published, I mean that I'll be handling most to all of the paperwork.
          In order to give you all a better sense of how this novel has evolved since I took it down in the distant past, I'm going to repost some pieces, if only to tease you all into taking a closer look. This is marketing, folks.


Ladies and gentlemen,
          My novel is now unpublished...on this medium.
          Do try to find me on Amazon sometime next year. Odds are I'll be looking there to publish first, but I may use this site in the future to test drive drafts. I call them drafts but on here, they're published parts, but the chapters I had on the published novel had already undergone so many revisions that I think it would be better for me to refine my audience and publish on a medium that would return a profit (however middling, and NO I'm not writing for the money I think I made that clear before).
          To better understand my departure from this medium, take a look at previous posts made by yours truly. If you really want to continue reading the story, let me know and I will see what I can do.
          Thank you for your understanding.


Hello again.
          It's been two months since last I logged on to Wattpad. And in those two months, there's been countless changes and revisions to my major work. I lack the motivation to fix these changes, but you must know that what you see here is a draft--a (by now) very very old draft.
          I have been approached by new friends made at the DFW Catholic Writer's Guild about publishing the current novel part. All my efforts now will be directed at preparing a story fit for publication based on what is presented in the Wattpad version, but already this version has lost oodles of accuracy.
          My point is that I've outgrown Wattpad. I need to craft my story in secret because I have a veritable chance at actually publishing. So I have elected to delete my story as it appears on Wattpad right now.
          I will hold off deleting the story until the end of the year. I'll explain what to expect in the actual novel in what is the blurb currently.
          Wish me luck, and with any luck I will publish within a year.
          May heaven grant you fortune.


Dear ladies and gentlemen,
          I hope you are all doing well in your respective pathways in life. I know I am. And I also know college will require so much I will not have time to officially exist on this website.
          A renowned literary genius has recommended that I take my story off Wattpad when I am prepared to publish it. And she's right: why would you buy the cow when you get the milk for free? So as my work nears the publication desk I will begin to shut down my Wattpad account.
          Deepest regrets. I do not appear to fit in properly in this venue. My stories are wordy, imperfect, confusing and most of all in need of work. Please do not think I am withdrawing because of you. I am taking down an Ivory Key because it has outgrown this website... and is aching for a good publisher. Not some free self-published website such as Wattpad, good as it may be.
          I encourage you to be vigilant for my reappearance in the published world. Arm your Kindles. Scan the Amazon. I will keep you all updated as to where I go next in this literary journey.
          May heaven grant you fortune.


Please note that I have removed the draft restriction on the Prologue and on Chapter 5. My confidence in these two revised chapters is significantly greater than it was previously, and now you have the luxury of a much more improved prologue and fifth chapter to read.
          Be advised that I am still hammering out details and plot holes in the four unpublished chapters with the aid of a good friend who has much experience in the field of writing. He has contributed invaluable feedback.
          If you would deign to leave feedback, I would be infinitely grateful. Until then, may the ivory vines of fate bring us together again.


This is a notification that an Ivory Key: part 1 is under extensive revision. Improvements are being made to enhance consistency, tension, and character emotional reaction. In other words, the first six parts (excluding the introduction) shouldn't be read at this time. 
          In the interim, you are cordially invited to pick up Dawn or Dusk? a short story I work on when I'm bored. It's sort of a prelude to Horizon17's Horizon trilogy (but being a competitive writer I like to think the prelude is better).
          Please enjoy the last week or so of public school for the school year. Summer is just around the corner.


Chapter 21 is online now, just in case you were interested...
          If you have something to contribute about the topic(s) discussed I really would like to hear it. If you think my argument is one-sided with a caricature of the opposition, please please let me know.
          Thank you for following me, by the way. I realize my last message was a bit overboard and would like to apologize for any harm done.


Hello friends,
             I just idly noticed that my read count is plateauing and that no one has bothered to look at the parts in the second piece I'm writing. So that leaves me two conclusions:
          a) you all hate me and do not agree with my story and are boycotting it (a thoroughly reasonable conclusion considering the material I cover) or,
          b) I'm asking too much of my readers/followers in my writing. I know I tend to get caught up in the details but without the threads there is no tapestry. In either case, I would probably retire my stories from Wattpad and simply send you all e-mails once you notify me you're ready for the next part. That would be a little blow to my ego but! I understand everyone's busy with a gazillion tasks and has no time for petty and profound things.
          So thank you for your feedback in advance.


Hello, ladies and gentlemen,
             Part One is now complete. (I'm not entirely sure if when I mark it complete it will tell me the whole series is complete.)
          Thank you for your support in reading my first published Wattpad creation. I'm not sure if my chapters are considered too long, most of them don't go past ten Wattpad pages, but they say- no more than 2000 words because a bajillion people read on the go.
             This is not an "on-the-go" kind of book. This is a "Hi, how are you, good, sit down we have a lot to talk about" kind of book.
          Again, thank you for your support. I promise- if you start writing something, I'll be among the first to read it. Just ask Greg.