I don't have much to say... I'm normally a rambler in person, but ask me to type a message... nope, mind's gone blank...
Anyway, this section is entitled; 'about me', so I should probably mention that I am an OBSESSED gamer, and Sherlock Holmes' second biggest fan! (His first being my mum.)
I love Skyrim, Sacred 2, LARA CROFT TOMB RAIDER IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have an evil little sister who plots to take over the world (Don't they all?), and a new little sibling along the way (fingers crossed it's a boy!).
When I'm not off riding Dragons and slaying demons, I enjoy long walks along the beach, full moons, knitting and unicorns. Infact, once I did find myself on the seashore, at midnight, and I saw a unicorn. I then preceeded to stab it in the neck with a crotchet needle.
So, enough about me... just read already!!!

P.S. Baby Bella was born on Valentine's Day! She is sooooo cute!
  • Stalkers, get a life!
  • InscritNovember 7, 2012


Dernier message
KiaraWoolfe KiaraWoolfe Apr 03, 2013 10:27AM
Mama Hippo, I have a new story. I have more to write, but I'm tired. 'Night. 
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