
If you haven't checked out "37" in my book, "A book of sayings and quotes 2", then I highly suggest you do! A sneak leak of "Not so human" lies there's waiting for your eyes!


Hey guys! Working on a new book called, "Not so human". Check out "37'' in my, "book of sayings and quotes 2" for a SNEAK PEAK of "Not so human"! Its going to be epic! Remember to vote, comment, follow and share! Go add "Not so human" to your list if you haven't done so already!


Gave blood today, not feeling so great. My hand is swollen. Wish me better. mwah


Thanks! And I'm in the process of reading one of yours now. They are very good. Keep going!!


@KimSingleton4 Ouch. I am NOT a big fan of needles at all, but hope you feel better!!!
            BTW thanks for ze follow and I hope you can check out my stories:)


Hey guys! If any of you all are wondering when the next chapter will be published, I'm sorry to say, but I'm currently working on fixing chapter 2 and up. So, that means, The Last Savior, is currently On Hold. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. If you do enjoy my work, I have some poems and quotes in my work's. Please feel free to read those while I update The Last Savior. Again, sorry for the inconvenience. Have a Merry Christmas!