
That awful moment when you absolutely cannot find a book anymore because the author that you can't remember deleted every trace if it... Anyway does anyone remember a book where the lead was called Serafina and she was a fairy/witch and she fell in love with a guy who was secretly a vampire/fae prince and her dad was a leprechaun? And they went to a magic school? Anyway lemme know. 


That awful moment when you absolutely cannot find a book anymore because the author that you can't remember deleted every trace if it... Anyway does anyone remember a book where the lead was called Serafina and she was a fairy/witch and she fell in love with a guy who was secretly a vampire/fae prince and her dad was a leprechaun? And they went to a magic school? Anyway lemme know. 


I just re-read the book i started when i was thirteen on here but unpublished because i didn't believe in myself, my heart aches as i read the pages because i saw TRUE promise in it and i feel heartbroken that i so quickly dropped the book. It had quite a few errors but it was funny and witty and i feel i can never get back that time. 
          I miss that 2014 era so badly and i wish, TRULY wish, that i had continued that book. Something tells me whether or not i got tons of readers or not, it would have been funny and amazing and i would feel so accomplished going back to it today, i also miss what could have been a connection with people i admired and my would be readers i would have gained from this book. 
          My heart is heavy, but i refuse to have regrets about it, maybe i wasn't ready, who knows, but ill always miss that crazy kooky 13 year old always.


Hey  Stranger ✨❤️✨❤️✨❤️
          Quick question -What does freedom mean to you?
          You might be interested in the book I'm writing. I post every Wednesdays so you'll always have something to look forward to. It explores the topic of true love and freedom.
          I hope you'll join me for the journey as we figure out the answer to the question together.
          Have a lovely day ️❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨


          Thanks for adding The Roseview High Rumors to your Nice Stories reading list❤


@Evergreen_Ebony I was reading it. I haven't finished it yet.


@KimberleyWilliams4 You're welcome and I appreciate your support. By the way, did you eventually complete Turn the Paige?


@Evergreen_Ebony Thanks for taking the time to message me! It was a really cute book, the ending was left field tho, looking out for some answers for that <3



Hey, thanks so much for supporting my work. It means a lot that you found my work worth the read, have a great day<3


@KimberleyWilliams4 Representation is important! I myself don't surf but it's nice to 'meet' someone who does, feel free to leave a comment and vote on your favourite parts!


@ChaoticallyCupid Oh, Hi! yeah I'm really liking your book so far, love to see a surfing book with a black girl as the main character, I love surfing so it's cool to see.