I am slowly discovering that I most likely have ADHD (not diagnosed yet, but I'm planning to get it checked) and I find because of that, my writing process looks different everyday....
Last week, it was me, a tablet and a touch pen (we don't namedrop brands unless they pay us ;p) correcting the auto-correct when it couldn't understand my garbled chicken scratches XD
Yesterday was me, sitting on my computer, typing in bursts struggling to capture the scene.
Today it's me, laying on my bed with a blanket, closing my eyes and trying to picture/daydream the scene and then typing on my phone one line of inspiration at a time.
And tomorrow, no doubt, it will be me editing and re-editing on my phone, computer and tablet until and reworking until I finally post the revised new first chapter of In Tangles of Mangled Ecstacy. <3