
It seems whenever I'm trying to get back into writing, a big life change is happening.
          	This time it's that my human has a new job and I'm trying to give a lot of support so my time is limited and by the time I can sit down to relax, I gotta make food cuz I'm starving.


So I burned my hand today.....
          Chapter 2 is re-written, edited, ready to go
          Chapter 3 needs some revision
          Chapter 4 needs some revision
          And Chapter 1 is 3/4 written but needs a lot more editing  :'(  Why did my hand have to get burned today D:


Noo!! I hope you feel better!!!!


You know what's hard to emotionally regulate? That emotion you feel after a discussion with someone who is arguing that an objectively bad show or movie was somehow a good show/movie.
          And no matter how much you try to explain that the plot was story-driven and shoved character growth to the backburner, never to see the light of day until the last episode, they pull out those 2 min where the character was tortured and after had PTSD.
          That is all.


I'll be surprised if the chapters come out today because my whole schedule was thrown off this week XD. 
          The chapters will come soon, dont worry, I'm just trying to be real with you all <3


I am slowly discovering that I most likely have ADHD (not diagnosed yet, but I'm planning to get it checked) and I find because of that, my writing process looks different everyday....
          Last week, it was me, a tablet and a touch pen (we don't namedrop brands unless they pay us ;p) correcting the auto-correct when it couldn't understand my garbled chicken scratches XD
          Yesterday was me, sitting on my computer, typing in bursts struggling to capture the scene.
          Today it's me, laying on my bed with a blanket, closing my eyes and trying to picture/daydream the scene and then typing on my phone one line of inspiration at a time.
          And tomorrow, no doubt, it will be me editing and re-editing on my phone, computer and tablet until and reworking until I finally post the revised new first chapter of In Tangles of Mangled Ecstacy. <3


I just wrote a whole scene for something in the later chapters. I'm really excited and I wish I could share it but spoiiilers!! 
          Fine, maybe just a little: 
               The first couple of steps you take are jagged and awkward. So awkward that anyone watching would think the stage floor is uneven.
               You meet his eyes and see the moment he recognizes you can't dance. You're certain that he has that scorching smug smile on behind his mask. Annoyance writhes in your stomach and you tear your eyes away from his.
               In that moment, his hand loosens on your waist. Intense fear washes over you as you realize that he has stopped leading you and leaving you to fend for yourself in every step. Your eyes snap back to his, trying to read why he has decided to humiliate you.
               His deep blue eyes hold you steady from beneath the mask. Your heart tightens, and a rhythm starts to form between you.
          That's all you heathens get XD


@bugcandle Thanks you haha, now if only I could be that diligent on current chapters... XD