Time to get back into business! Hopefully all goes well? I mean Sun and Moon isn't great but I'm hoping to fix that along with posting other stories on here. So let the journey begin..
Time to get back into business! Hopefully all goes well? I mean Sun and Moon isn't great but I'm hoping to fix that along with posting other stories on here. So let the journey begin..
Due to my recent scheduling in the first half of December, especially leading towards the 20th, other stories of mine will be coming out when ever they get done. This will not be the case in the nearby future.
The books that you see on this page are side stories of my original pieces. My original stories will be posted on another watt-pad count however don't expect it to be happening anytime soon in the nearby future. For now enjoy these short stories and other creative sorties that I have created on my site.
Sun and Moon is in 999th place in destruction....
Seems about right!
I mean I barely update and during the last couple of months I had a problem that made it near impossible for me to do any of that! But now I'm back and I'll continue were I left off. So let's get this back up on track.