I'm not going to say I'm one of a kind, and I am not someone who will claim to be the absolute best, or an expert on what I write about.
I'm not someone who knew what they wanted to do with their life, and it took years for me to find something that I was not only competent but also mentally engaged in doing.
I'm training in precision machining, and no most of what I do is not on a computer, and that's good, because computers crash, get bugs, and don't always have something to stop them from destroying the part that they are working on.
I know enough about the computer aspect to say that I have a decent cornerstone. I can and will adapt to whatever form I will need to learn.

I've played Yugioh non competitively for years. And I almost instantly fell in love with the Fallen of Albaz archetype. But I also have more than a few decent Yugi, Seto, Joey decks. And I have a couple decent GX, 5Ds, and Arc V decks.

I like dragons, swords, sorcery, and a lot of other things. Such as superheroes, Sun Wukong, Solo Leveling, and Seven Deadly Sins.
  • United States of America, North America, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy.
  • JoinedDecember 18, 2021

50 Reading Lists
