
looking for two stories, they were in my favor, but now they are gone, and I believe they were written by the same person.  they were about lin being in little space. If you know what I'm talking about or maybe the author, please let me know.  Thank you


looking for two stories, they were in my favor, but now they are gone, and I believe they were written by the same person.  they were about lin being in little space. If you know what I'm talking about or maybe the author, please let me know.  Thank you


Just a small vent
          1. HAPPY Easter everyone 
          2. Today is my birthday 
          3. My day suck really bad
          That is all 
          On the  side is it me or does anyone else love the stories when Lin and Kya is Korra parents, really need more story like that. Any suggestions if there are more there only find 3 so far.


Thanks everyone for the bday wish and yeah my day did get a little better


@dkjohnson32 True Love and Heartbreaks by sodeepinurmom


@ima_Simp21580 True Love and Heartbreaks by sodeepinurmom


Thinking about going though and taken down all my ex-partner stories down.  what do yal think 


honestly? you should decide, i think we all have like no right to decide that. these are also your stories but if you think it’s best to delete them then do it, you shouldn’t be forced to. and if you rlly don’t want the stories with your ex-partner then just delete them, but if you want the stories since they’re good stories then keep them. if they’re a lot of stories then take time to decide


@Kovirasami_5  Well that’s your choice really, if you want to take them down then take them down. Or if you can’t, find a way to continue the story. Many possible things happen in s nick of time so your life, your choice bro.


@Kovirasami_5 that's the problem there are alot of stories that my ex put up that was put up and not finish, and I'm not sure the direction they stories was supposed to go. That is why I want to take them down. 


Dating and Sports don't mix who is alpha or omega?
          I hope it's Ahlpa Korra and Omega Asami.


@Rosanatzangmaresca Ahlpa Korra and Omega Asami 