
Hi folks! I'm slowing putting my novel The Canyon up on Wattpad chapter by chapter. Give it a read if you like and vote for each chapter as you go. Feedback is welcome. Thank you for your support!


Are you still active? I was wondering if you could tell me about screenwriting


@verareyhood  I would read the book Save The Cat and start there. I took a screenwriting class back in the day Anatomy of a Screenplay. But Save The Cat really breaks down the basics of what (American) screenwriting is and how to utilize the format. As far as a daily routine, I just write. Keep a notebook and write down characters, storylines, etc. And remember that if you have a good logline (one that tells you who, what, why) it will keep you on track. A person does something and it works out (or doesn't work out). First act/ A person; Second act/does something; Third act/and it works (or doesn't work) out.  Another good thing to remember is something George C Wolf said: Film is about story; TV is about characters; Plays are about ideas. So, make sure your story is solid and that your characters have motivation for what they do and are pulled in the opposite direction as their want so there is internal conflict as well as external. Hope that helps! Read Save The Cat! :)


hi! ignore the other message- it was my friend- but, i had this screenwriting teacher and i’m writing this one as well as a bunch of other books. i just picked up some old storyboards i left at school since quarantine started, but i was wondering what you what do everyday regarding screenwriting and how i could somehow learn from you (perhaps daily routine)? honestly, i would love to know whatever you know best or love telling.  


@verareyhood hi! what would you like to know?


Want to go on an adventure? Want to ride through the wind with a female spiritual hero? Want to escape into a world before boundaries were drawn for good and where the only limits are your imagination?  Please read my new novel Hawk Ryder - The Beginning of Hope. The first of a three book series. #HawkRyder #HopeRyder #BrightOnes #FemaleSuperHero #WildWest #FemalePerspective #Wattpad #Adventure #Fantasy #Spiritual #ComingOfAge #YoungAdult #GrownUpAdult #Fiction


Hello! I've been gone for a bit, working on various projects and this big hunk of story - Hawk Ryder. It has been a super big challenge for me and I want to share it with all of you now. Hoping for some constructive feedback and some love. It's the first of a three part series. Going from screenplays to novel format has been so hard, but so worth it to learn how to stretch different writing muscles. I began this story about nine years ago - yes, that long ago. Wrote the first draft while I was pregnant with my daughter. Now, she is nine and well, it's time to let others in to see what they think. I'm hoping the first chapter isn't too clunky. But if it is, don't give up on me. I know the flow picks up quickly. I'll keep working on it - refining it. So, please, read, vote, comment, and share if you like it. Happy Holidays and wishing you all an amazing new year! Kristin